Trans-Himalayan Research Project

Blog of Rajiv Rawat's Doctoral Research @ York University in Canada

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Making History in Nepal

Nepal has finally turned a major corner in its ten-year crisis, with the Maoist insurgents hammering out an eight-point agreement with the parliamentary government. It looks like their demand for a constituent assembly will soon become a reality, even as they join the parliamentary forces in government for the interim month and submit to monitoring alongside the Royal Nepali Army under the aegis of the UN.

"This is a historic decision and will move the country in a new direction," Prachanda said after meeting the premier and leaders of all seven political parties in the ruling alliance.

Prachanda, who has never even been seen in public over the last 11 years was fully in charge and dominated the proceedings, invoking the Lord Buddha as the harbinger of peace for the strife-torn country.

So there is a glimmer of hope that the long nightmare of civil strife will come to an end, and Nepal will regain its march towards towards liberation. And maybe they will also get rid of the hated king Gyanendra!

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