Trans-Himalayan Research Project

Blog of Rajiv Rawat's Doctoral Research @ York University in Canada

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The New Silk Road

This is a fascinating article about the fast developing links between China and Central Asia, in effect, resurrecting the Silk Road for the twenty-first century. Although framed as a cautionary note for US interests which will be eclipsed by these developments, the economic upswing is benefiting those involved in the trade. Interesting thing too, is that Islam is finding a welcome home in Beijing as a result.

As the United States greets the Islamic world with increasing fear and hostility, China is embracing it with an astonishing enthusiasm, and young Muslim youths are responding in increasing numbers –– in effect, creating a modern Silk Road culture.

China’s boom in trade and technology is exerting a powerful pull. Its first-rate universities, tremendous employment possibilities and economic opportunities look increasingly attractive compared to those in the West. The price is right, too.



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