Trans-Himalayan Research Project

Blog of Rajiv Rawat's Doctoral Research @ York University in Canada

Monday, November 08, 2004

An interesting POV on the India-China border dispute

In this article, Sultan Shahin attempts to convince the reader that the facts of the India-China war as most Indians have grown up with are highly biased. He argues that the resulting perception of Indian naivete, and perfidiousness on the part of China should be revised if India is to ever overcome its trauma and deal maturely with the border issue.

While acknowledging my own bias in the matter, I cannot help think that after China swallowed Tibet, that India would be the least bit worried about Chinese intentions along the McMahon line. The fact that India did go out of its way to promote the PRC as the sole governing authority of China as well as of Tibet, should have gone along way to moving the sides towards cordial relations. Of course, Nehru bears most of the responsibility for the debacle as his own machinations and withholding of information from the Indian public culiminated in the shock invasion of China. However, the die was cast when Tibet itself succumbed, without India or any other country offering any aid. So there are other issues here beyond the ones Shahin has laid out. [link]


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