Trans-Himalayan Research Project

Blog of Rajiv Rawat's Doctoral Research @ York University in Canada

Monday, November 08, 2004

Solving the Border Dispute?

"Fifty years ago, during the Panchsheel negotiations, India shied away from bringing the questions of the borders to the negotiating table with Beijing. Today, India is still unable to sort out her frontier tangle with China."

"The question remains: is there a creative but�feasible solution to solve the border issue?"

Claude Arpi asks this questions and proposes the idea of a condominium arrangement for Aksai Chin as the region is desolate and uninhabitable. Since no one permanently resides there and no resources have been discovered, the actual ownership of the area could be fudged with this formula. However, I have a feeling it won't fly as the politicians would prefer the indeterminate status quo to a tricky solution that means giving up some control or claim. [link]


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